If you are like me, the friends you have on social media range anywhere from ‘our parents were friends when we were still in the womb’ to ‘hey, I just met you yesterday’.
I’ve been paying close attention to my friends and the content they post; being intentional about noticing the changes that so many of them have been growing through. And let me tell you… there have been a lot of changes happening!
When I saw the picture here below, it made me stop and wonder for a bit about whether or not people stop on a daily basis, or at all, and ask themselves if they want to save the changes that were made that day.
Let’s think about this for a moment…
How often do you hear someone say, “I had a great day today”? Or maybe you can think of the most recent time you might have declared this yourself. What exactly made today a great day? Every time I see someone post that they have had a great day, I secretly want to know more. I don’t ask for them to share more though. I guess I assume that if a person is going to share all the details of what made their day a “bad day”, right down to the jerk that cut them off in traffic, perhaps they would share the details if they wanted to.
But maybe not. I am not sure I understand this really. From what I have gathered over time as I have been reading more of the ups and downs that people share is that, it sure seems like there are a lot of us who feel like it isn’t okay to share the details of why the day is going so well because….
Well, is it okay for us to shine a light on ourselves in such a positive way without seeming like we are bragging, or boasting, or being conceited, or to mushy, too lovey dovey, too “in your face”, or just too much in general?
Yes!!! The answer is YES!!!
If we are going to go on social media and share the ‘not so pretty’ in hopes to connect with someone who might understand, or to just vent, we need to then give back. We need to pour just as much positivity back into these platforms we use. Don’t you think?
Regardless of what we are sharing with others, we all have the option to be extremely mindful of what thoughts and feeling we are taking to bed with us. Try asking yourself a few questions before you go to bed at night and see if you begin to feel a difference in the way you feel.
1. What went well today? And what was my role in that?
2. What did not go well today and what is one lesson I can learn from that?
3. What changes took place within and/or around me that will continue to add value and meaning to my life?
Three simple questions at the end of each day could really begin to change your life! We don’t have a ‘save changes’ button to press at the end of each day, but we do have our minds. If we are intentional about the questions we ask, even and especially the questions we ask ourselves, we can begin to experience having more control over the changes happening in our lives.
Life will always find ways to throw things at us that we have absolutely no control over. There really is no way around that. The more we become mindful about the changes happening within us, the more control we have over our responses when life does throw those difficult moments our way.
It would be magical to log onto my social media pages one evening to see a flood of people answering the questions above. What a way to share our experiences AND give back at the same time! And guess what? This is considered self-care! Taking time to check in with yourself is the best way to care for you. How else are you supposed to know what you need if you never ask?
Until next time... The Joy is found in the Journey!