How many times have you participated in identifying your values exercises? You sit there eagerly waiting for the stack of paper to be passed around so that you can get your list of words to circle and pray that somehow, this time, circling the words will take over you and the direction you're driving your life. If you are just as tired of those exercises as Casey has been for the last 20 years, this might be what you are looking for.
Casey has been studying values and people nearly her entire life. When she sat down and wrote out one of the processes she took to change her perspectives, she came up with this roadmap. Purchase your copy today for just $10, identify your three core values, and break them down through the Six Pillars of Life to bring your internal map onto paper.
Training videos are provided for free to follow along as you make the journey down this path and find the keys that genuinely help you connect with your definition of the good life!
Believing in the Impossible is a story about two women who met through what has become a normal way of connecting: a dating app. They built a life together and brought twins into their family, growing it from 4 to 6 overnight. Some ups and downs led the two to almost give up on their journey, when just at the right moment, one of them heard of a way they could proceed. IVF for a same-sex couple in Oklahoma was not an easy path to take, but it was the one they chose, and this is the story of believing in what was once thought to be impossible. This is meant in more ways than you'll know until you read the book!
The formatting of this book is not the best; it's pretty horrible, to be honest. The story itself is moving and worth the read if you are struggling with fertility or are in a queer relationship where this way of conceiving is the only option you have.
Dare You to Move and Into the Light are in the works! Stay tuned for more information on these two fantastic stories!
If it’s true that children are the future and hold the power to change the world, then your inner child may hold the key to change your life.
-Casey McKinnis